Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Paint with Watercolor like a Pro!

Since joining Pinterest I saw that Mom liked some art that could be done by any body.  So I put a step by step video of how to create a piece like what I saw.  It is kind of long so I will write down the steps I have below:

  • Step 1: Supplies should be watercolor paper, watercolor paint, masquing fluid, nice paint brushes and one bad one, pencil, masking/painters tape, transfer paper, and a print of what you might like to paint.
  • Step 2: Transfer the image on the paper
  • Step 3: Use the masquing fluid to cover area you want white
  • Step4: Once the fluid is dry paint background, might repeat step 4
  • Step 5: Remove masquing fluid
  • Step 6: Add depth to the picture
Good Luck!  And sorry about the camera angles I was by myself and wasn't really watching the computer to make sure what I was doing.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Home Make Over

I have finally hung up most of the pictures we will have in our home and painted the walls, not in that order.  Some of the spaces I'm in the middle of designing pictures for so when they are done I will take pictures and share.

I realize that I talked a bunch but i actually had a voice this time so oh well, you get to see what our new home looks like all done up.

The video is in three clips because the camera kept stopping the feed.  So you get three exciting recordings of my home.  Woot!