Sunday, January 22, 2012

Plans for the future

What is going on right now is that Andrew is looking for work and trying to get a better job that is actually full-time.

I am subbing in Idaho Falls. I have a job this week and soon I will be subbing for my co-operating teacher since she will be having her baby soon and needs someone to take over for her maternity leave. I am so looking forward to actually getting paid for this!

Fall 2011

So it has been a while since our last blog post.

Here is what has been happening with AnnMarie.

I did student teaching up until Thanksgiving at Clare E Gale Middle School grades 7 - 9. I ended up teaching all the art classes by the end. My co-operating teacher was most excellent and we meshed really well. That was 12 weeks of hard work and effort and my finale was presenting my Work Portfolio to the Art Department Head and my supervisor. They made some suggestions to change but passed me! Booyeah!

Here is an example of a students work for my Drawing class.

I then got a job teaching for a math teacher at the same school I student taught at because I was recommended by my excellent co-operating teacher. I taught for about 2 weeks previous to my graduation.

Grandma and Grandpa Smith were able to drive up with Mom. Andrew took off work to attend everything and spend time with everyone, which made me so happy! He also got me a beautiful necklace as a present for finishing. So sweet.

My convocation was the best ever!!! We had musical and theatrical performances. We had a presentation about Graphic Design and then I eventually walked across the stage! I’m DONE!!!

Our Christmas was most excellent! It was great seeing family and making memories. Isaac is the most adorable baby ever!!! Too bad he couldn’t start walking while we were there. But as Andrew says, the Christmas squeaky shoes helped. Andrew got a lot of bow-ties which he has now worn all but three by now. It’s seeing a kid in a candy store. It is really hard to leave.

Two paintings I did for Christmas presents for family.

For Andrew

Andrew decided a new hair style.

He/we are now broadcasting for the Rigby Trojans. We did all the homecoming games in our area. So we were basically Homecoming King and Queen Broadcasters. Funny, I didn’t get a crown or a scepter; I should take this up with the people!

Andrew and I broadcasting a game. Lots of cords and equipment.

For Thanksgiving we went to the Roaches and enjoyed a delicious meal and games with great friends.