Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We made a trip to Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday before I start school. Since Andrew is dealing with back issues, we made it a quick trip and only visited the Paint Pots and Old Faithful.

Side note: He will be going to a doctor so he can get pain reliever for his back so its not so bad.

Back to the Yellow of the Stone. We have some pictures and comments about the experience bellow.

Here are the paint pots:

Now for Old Faithful. We waited about an hour to watch it blow. It gurgled a little and then went back down, then it shot into the air about 5 feet and went back down. This just kept getting my hopes up. There were these girls who kept clapping and cheering when it would start to gurgle like this.

So the camera goes sideways sometimes just tilt your head. I tried editing this but I don't have anything advanced enough. You might hear a kid talking loudly, that was the family sitting in front of us from South America or somewhere like that.