Finals were crazy!
The whole week, I had trouble sleeping and once awake it was hard to force myself asleep because my mind automatically started going all the facts I’ve tried to remember for my finals. So lots of late nights and early mornings. That hit me on Saturday when I slept in till 10:30am and had to force myself out of bed. I even took a nap I was so tired! Andrew went by the same schedule, except of studying all day he worked about 12 to 14 hours a couple of days. We were pooped by the end. He finally stopped moving and thinking after his lesson on Sunday so his body told him he was done and needed some TLC. I made sure to get him in bed for a long nap after sacrament meeting. We hit the hay early as well.
I think I did well on my finals. I studied between classes on Wednesday for my Geometry Final. I missed a few but got some points back by talking with my teacher about the problems I got wrong. One of them was a True or False question asking about sides of a triangle using n to represent integers and the sides were something like 2n, 2n-1, and 2n+1. You were supposed to do some tricky math and find it True. Except I just plugged in 1 and found that a side was 0, which would not make a triangle. I pointed this out to him and I was right!!!!! He didn't realize that -1, 0, and 1 would not work so not all integers! YEAH ME!!!! Apparently he has given this question on tests before and no one has mentioned it. I'm glad I went to check on how I did! Genius!!! So I ended up getting a 93 on the test and he says he is willing to give a recommend for a job anytime. Sweet!
For my Proofs class, I began my studies right after taking my Geometry final and then carried on all day on Thursday. I took it early on Friday and finished 3 hours and 45 minutes later! So glad to be done!!! I don't know how I did on that yet but I'm hopping well enough with all the effort I put in. Brother Woodruff was impressed with my good work ethic and my determination. He pointed out how many students procrastinate till the day before or day of the homework assignment is due to start asking questions. Whereas I come in on the day we go over the subject in class way before it is due. He also says he is willing to recommend me for a job anytime pointing out that great quality I show!
My lab class was a reflection paper and many assignments throughout the semester. The point of the class was to learn how to write how we talk. Instead of using big works and making it way impersonal there are ways to fix something like the following:
The business or technical writing teacher can mitigate against his pragmatic students' recalcitrance toward language studies by pointing out the utility of knowing how to write well. However, rather than turning to hackneyed arguments or to literary evidence, he can motivate students more effectively by turning to compelling testimonials from leaders in business and industry, to appropriate personal experiences, and to stimulating classroom strategies that emphasize the importance of language ability in career, social, and civic aspirations. The lively use of such readily available resources can improve student attitude toward the course and should thus improve student performance.
You see what I mean!? You would need a translator for that! This was one of the things I worked on during all semester long. Along with making and revising a lesson and activity for a math class. I also learned how to write equations in Word and on Wiki. Good things to know if you are going to be a math teacher.
Andrew has been enjoying his jobs. He really likes working for the radio. He says he is nothing special because he is only the Saturday radio man. But he has that sparkle in his eye and is much happier with that job! He also says he has the best boss ever! She is so laid back along with all the other fellow workers for that station. You can tune in online at
His job for announcing games for the Sugar-Salem Diggers is going well. He doesn’t get paid, but it is experience that is the key. Every game he improves his skills. You can listen to him at and then go to broadcast. The cameraman is me. So if you notice that the game is going on but you’re not seeing anything, that is due to my lack of camera skills. I take stats of both teams and control the camera so sometimes I’m busy trying to take note of something and the game is going on. OR I just get into the game and forget about the camera. OOOPS! I’m working on that.
That wraps up this semester! Now I’m looking for a job and preparing for Christmas. Woot!